Basically there are two ways of using Input Output devices , first is by using non interrupt programming and other one is by using interrupts, in this we will use non interrupt way->
Let us take following example
Write RISC style program for performing typing by keyboard and displaying it on screen
1.Initialize the pointer register R2 so that characters pressed by keyboards are placed in that address in main memory
Move R2,#LOC
2.Load the end character in register which suggests that typing is over
MoveByte R3,#CR
3.Wait for character to be entered
4.Check the status of flag
And R4,R4,#2
5.If flag is not set or keyboard is not ready then again read the status flag
Branch_if_[R4] = 0 READ
6.Load all data from keyboard register to microprocessor register
LoadByte R5,KBD_DATA
7.Store the character read from keyboard in main memory
StoreByte R5,[R2]
8.Increment the address pointer in main memory
Add R2,R2,#1
9. Wait for display to be ready
10.Check the output status flag
And R4,R4,#4
11.If it is not ready then repeat the checking process
Branch_if_[R4] = 0 ECHO
12.Store the value in register in address at keyboard device
StoreByte R5,DISP_DATA
13.Check for ending condition , if not ended then repeat read & write process
Branch_if_[R5]!=[R3] READ